About Us

The Council’s Role

Work done by the Community Council

The 1972 Local Government Act states that every part of Wales is in a community. In England , the term “Parish Councils” is still used but in Wales , however, the legal and constitutional term for these units of local government administration is termed “ Community Councils”

The Community Council represents the lowest tier of local government and is closest to the public as regards meeting local needs. The Council has several statutory rights and duties.

What is the Council structure?

A list of your local councillors is provided on the next page. The Town Council has 10 Councillors who do not represent any political party. They are elected every 4 years. A part time Clerk/Financial Officer is employed to handle all arrangements for meetings and preparing an agenda to deal with the records and financial and administrative matters linked to implementing the Council’s work. Contractors are also employed to carry out specialist work such as repair and maintenance i.e. grass cutting, maintain the footpaths and so on.

The Town Council makes observations on planning applications before they are decided upon by Ceredigion County Council. They provide funding for events, clubs and services in the town. The Council appoints members to sit on the School Governing bodies.

How does the Council work?

Any work done by the Council will be implemented following decisions taken at open meetings. Any work is paid for with public money which the Council receives through raising a precept which is part of the Council Tax set by Ceredigion County Council.

What is the Council’s precept?

In 2020/21 the Council’s precept is set at £16,072.64 The precept is raised to finance the Town Council’s responsibilities including the Skateboard Park, Maesypwll Woodland, street furniture and a number of footpaths in the area.

The precept works out at £21.36 per property (Band D).

Can the public attend the meetings?

By all means. You are welcome to attend our meetings as listeners only – and we would encourage that. Members of the public are not entitled to take part in Council discussions or give their opinion during the meeting – there may however be exceptional circumstances where the chairperson is allowed to call for a contribution from the public and for them to make a statement. Council meetings are held monthly, except for August, and are usually held on the last Monday of each month at New Quay Memorial Hall.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting is a legal obligation as stated by the Local Government Act 1972. The annual meetings has to be held in the month of May. Council decides on the date. The first item on the Agenda must be the election of the Chairman of the Community Council for the next twelve months.


To be elected as a Councillor a member must be qualified under the law , be a British Citizen and must have attained the age of 21.

The applicant must also be-

  • a local government elector
  • has, during the whole twelve months preceding that day, occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the same area
  • principal, or only place of work, during twelve months before election, has been in that area.
  • resided during the whole of twelve months in that area, or within three miles of that area


Contact the Council’s Clerk for any enquiry that may arise on any aspect of the Councils role and functions.